“Before Back Pain Relief4Life I had back pain and I had in the Marine Corps, injured my back. I used to have spondylolisthesis so I had a clean breakaway across my back. That was back in 2006 and surgery. Had surgery in 2007, four titanium balls in the back and an L5/S1 fusion and since I've been trying to get back to the same level of fitness I had been in the past. I had been in a pretty rigorous workout regime, but I was getting to the point where I could only workout about 2 days, then I had to take about a week to 10 days off before I could try again and it just was not working for me. So, I thought I was going to have to suck it up and just keep dealing with it.
Then a good friend of mine, Bob Turner, told me about Relief4Life and I gave it a try and I've been doing it for about 2 weeks now and believe it or not, I am getting relief. Some of the examples of that, I am able to walk our dog now before when I was walking our dog, I’d come back and I’d be gimping my way back to the house after chasing after the dog. Now, I feel great walking back. And driving use to be - especially long distances was miserable for me. I’d usually have to stop, get out, shake it out a little bit and then make it back in the car. Well, just this week, drove to Atlanta in the morning, 5 hours in the car, had meetings and drove back that night. So all total 10 hours in the car and it felt great. I felt really good so I'm actually a true believer and didn’t I think I would be. I never thought I'd try something like this, I did, and it really is transforming me.
Absolutely! I’d recommend Back Pain Relief4Life, great program! So I’m probably going to have to run around and find people that have back problems and let them come here - so far I am the only one who has 1 people that I know that has a back problem. I'll find somebody; but yeah absolutely it’s great. I love it too because it’s no drugs there's nothing like that, it's just a great exercise program and I noticed a big difference in just 2 weeks doing it.”